Important Definitions

The following words are important in understanding animal welfare laws. All definitions have been derived from state statutes:

Gender-specific language includes the other gender and neuter. That means the word “he” means “him or her,” and the word “she” means “she or he.” Same with “him” or “her.” The word “him” means “him or her” and the word “her means “her or him.” Singular words include the plural and plural words include the singular.

The words “person,” “people,” or “anyone” includes individuals, children, firms, associations, joint adventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, business trusts, syndicates, fiduciaries, corporations, and all other groups or combinations.

“Law enforcement officer” has many different definitions in law. Since this blog is concerned, in large part, with enforcement of criminal violations, references to “law enforcement officers” will refer to police, sheriffs, deputies, marshals, and constables of political subdivisions who have authority to arrest a person who has violated state law. It will be noted if additional entities are authorized to enforce the provisions discussed in this blog.

References to “domestic” or “domesticated” animals refer to animals that are not wild and are kept by humans for work, food or as a pet.

Please remember, this blog is not providing legal advice. It is an attempt to make laws written by lawyers understandable to non-lawyers. If you or anyone else have a specific question regarding the meaning of the law and its potential violation, please contact a lawyer to address your specific concerns.